viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Online MLM Advertising And Social Media Hype

A lot of network marketers are placing great importance to social networks for prospecting for their multilevel marketing business. The sheer volume of people participating in these communities, combined with the ease to get into online contact with them, makes them excellent places for finding new customers or distributors for your opportunity.

Of course, that doesn't make them the only or the best place for promoting your MLM company as besides the great advantages they also have disadvantages that can hurt your recruiting efforts there.

Their greatest advantage is the simplicity as anyone with no experience can go there and start prospecting. There is no technical knowledge involved and no spending of money. The only thing required is the willingness for work. That makes it a perfect place for new distributors to get their business rolling as soon as possible without too much training.

On the other hand a great disadvantage is that you cannot automate what you are doing so you can increase the number of people you reach, since it's a one on one communication method that requires your time and attention.

Your MLM prospecting is not targeted as it is based on the logic of trying to catch fishes in a big pool. Although you can use some info in order to narrow your attempts to people with more chances to convert, still targeting for most of the marketers there is an issue. That of course can lead you to a great loss of time trying to sort out those interested in starting a network marketing home business from those who don't.

As more and more marketers are entering this new "sport" the competition increases and there is the chance that the members of the networks will grow wary of it and try to avoid them as their primary purpose for being there is for fun and not shopping or business. The sure thing is that more distributors will try to enter such networks with the purpose of recruiting new members to their multi level marketing opportunity. That would make the future competition there even more fierce making it harder to recruit and advertise there.

What are the best Online MLM Advertising methods today without getting caught into the hype?