miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

The Social Media Conundrum

If you're wracking your brain thinking of ways to boost traffic, get more people and more business - but - have run out of steam and ideas, we have the perfect solution for you, social media marketing packages. Let's face it the time has come to wade into the waters of personal media. It's the latest trend and a growing one at that. Do you really want to miss out on the bandwagon and be left sitting by the side of the road wondering why your competition has more traffic than you do, makes more sales a month than you thought were possible and has a booming client base? Answer is: no, of course not.

This wonderfully chatty trend has multiple potentials that you might not really be thinking about. Right now you may have a certain reluctance to share personal details about yourself and your hobbies, likes and dislikes. (Facebook). Maybe you think no one could really care what you are doing and how few words you can use to tell them (Twitter). That's the unpolished beauty of the whole social marketing fad - the personal details that give a potential client, business partner or recruit an idea of the "person" behind the suit or website.

And that leads me to another point. Your website, although no doubt the product of long hard creative hours to tweak it and make it reflect your business, what you offer and other business type things, does not give surfers an idea of the "who" behind the site.

It's a well-known fact that people prefer to deal with those they know, or feel they know and like dealing with. The only way people can get to "know" you is if they have a chance to find out who you are, what you like, what you think and how knowledgeable you are in your field of expertise.

Although websites are still good marketing tools, they do not have the same buzz about them (even with flashy graphics and interactive forms) as social media marketing sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Social is as social does, and being social and talking to people one on one is what will get you business - guaranteed.

Now you might be thinking, "Who the heck has time to keep up with three big social media marketing sites?" Good question, and one we definitely have the answer for as well. We're excited to be introducing a new service for our clients who want more personal social media marketing exposure. The best part? We offer three packages to choose from and they will all save you money over traditional advertising. No kidding!

How good is that, to get a package deal for the big three social media marketing sites that will boost your online presence within no time? That's something that will work directly on your bottom line. Used in conjunction with your website, watch what happens to your statistics. Watch your business grow as more and more people get to know the "real" you.

We're offering three packages designed with your needs in mind: one for the beginners who just want to get their feet wet and test the waters; an intermediate package with just a bit more help and services than our beginners program, and the full package for those already aware of the significant benefits of social media marketing and who want to get right down to business.

We're competitively priced because we know you will be saving money on your traditional advertising and marketing methods. This couldn't come at a better time when you consider the tough economic crunch we're facing. This is devastating for everyone, but more so for business owners who are struggling to stay afloat.

Social media marketing offers you that extra special edge for a good price and a good return on your investment.

Linda Belan, owner of Your Outsource Solutions, LLC. Our goal and objective is to offer affordable administrative, marketing and social media marketing services to busy coaches, trainers, speakers, authors, entrepreneurs and internet marketers. Please peruse our web site for more information at http://www.youroutsourcesolutions.com