lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Using Twitter, Facebook and Other Social Media Networks to Generate Leads to My Website or Business

One of the most important tools in modern Internet marketing is the social media platform. However, many people don't know how to get started or even, exactly, how these tools can possibly be utilized to get the word out about their products or services.

First of all, "social media" refers to networking sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. There are, of course, a myriad of smaller networking sites out there, but most people who use the Internet have an account on at least one of the aforementioned sites - in fact, recent studies have shown that participation on social networking sites is the second most engaged in activity on the Internet, only behind surfing the web in popularity!

A savvy business owner knows that where the people are, an advertisement campaign should be operating. Using social networking platforms as a basis for advertisements can be a little bit difficult, but once you gain familiarity with how they work and how to appropriately harness the possibilities that social networking platforms offer, you'll be off to the races!

Even better, the utilization of social media platforms is free. Here are some basic tips to get started on the path of using social networking to benefit you and your business.

First, keep in mind that social networking is based largely off of "friending" people. Many beginners try to friend hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of people at once, which makes them look desperate and therefore many people turn them down. Instead of "mass-friending," simply work off of twenty or thirty people or groups at a time. Wait for them to reply to your friend messages, and then build up your basis from there.

Remember to friend those who have similar interests to you, as they're more likely to respond to you. Also, before you make any sort of announcement on a social networking site, remember to ask yourself if it's an interesting post or not!

Do you need a strong social media marketing program for your business or more traffic to your website from social media? Contact U.S. Image Design. We are a Internet Marketing Company based in Atlanta but we can serve you Nationwide. Or if you need any form of internet advertising, give us a shout.